S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow Of Chernobyl
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Cheat mode:
Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Then, enter one
of the following codes.
Code Result
help - List console commands
g_always_run 1 - Activates the permanent running
g_always_run 0 - Toggle permanent running
Bonus content:
Enter the game's folder and run the "setup-bp.exe" file. Select a language,
then enter "pseudodog" and "snork" as codes to unlock the bonus content.
pseudodog - Unlock code #1
snork - Unlock code #2
Press NEXT button and you got the BONUS content unlocked.
Password Result
pseudodog - Multiplayer map Pool, UK and US military multiplayer skins
snork - Multiplayer map Dark Valley, French and German military multiplayer
Kosteyer Grenade Launcher Attachment :
Find a grenade launcher attachment for the AKM 74/2 in the Dark Valley's secret lab.
It is on the first level of the lab, in one of the many, many lockers in the locker
M203 Grenade Launcher Attachment:
Find this grenade launcher attachment early and easy in the Rostok Wilderness. Right
after you go past the building with the four snipers, there will be a sniper in a
tower on your right and a garage building where a truck crashed into it on your left.
Explore the garage building and you will find a stash box past some scorcher anomalies
with the launcher and ammunition.
Ammo and Armor:
Up the road outside the village where the Trader is a Box Car with two crates in it.
Inside the crates is some ammo and another armor suit.
Free Stalker Suit From A New Game:
At the very beginning of the game, you need to talk to a stalker named Wolf in the
Gordon newbie camp. Behind Wolf is a ladder that leads to an empty backpack in the
Climb the ladder but do not enter the attic. Instead, walk around the ledge formed
where the roof and walls meet. You can work your way onto the roof of the house that
way. Once on top of the roof of this house, there is an identical house north of the
one you are on. You can sprint and jump to the roof of that adjacent house (you take a
little damage). When you get to the second house's roof, carefully make your way to
the side with a hole in the roof -- just past it, you should be able to make out a
wooden crate you can destroy. If you spoke to Wolf and accepted the mission to rescue
Nimble, you should have a pistol.
Shoot the wooden crate and a Stalker suit (worth 15,OOO Rubles) will be inside. Simply
grab it and you'll be immediately better off than you think you could be!
Getting to the Freedom Armory without being Part of Freedom:
To get into the armory without being detected push a chair towards the guard. Don't
worry if the chair falls down partway. When it touches the guard jump on it and then
jump onto him. The game will then push you past the guard and into the armory hallway.
To get in just slash the lock with your knife and to get out use the same technique you
got in using a chair which is in the armory or the other room.
Barrels of Fun:
If you shoot an NPC in the game, he and his faction will open fire on you. However,
you can use the red explosive barrels to kill them and it will not count as a "source
of damage" against your character.
You can try this against some of the Freedom NPCs in the Army Warehouses who are
standing next to what amounts to a giant bomb that only needs your gunfire to detonate.
In fact, if you have the patience to locate red explosive barrels in pacified areas,
you can use this exploit to bag a lot of items and loot.
Make the Dead More Useful Than Radioactive Fertilizer:
Normally, you can only carry 50 kliograms of weight, which pretty much you can lug
around several hundred rounds of ammunition, the weapons that fire the ammo, armor,
grenades, etc.
However, you should notice you can load all of those items on a human dead body (not
animals or mutants), and simply use the SHIFT + USE function to drag the corpse along
with you. This way, you can load a corpse with any number of items and move them from
one location to another.
Since you cannot attack while dragging a corpse, you may only want to use this "one slow
trip" when in a situation that has left very few enemies on the map.
Additionally, you cannot take a dead body from one place to another (meaning all this
must take place on the same map). Items on dead bodies also randomize once you switch
maps, so never leave items you want to keep on a dead body, or you lose them forever
when you go to another place.
Easter Egg - Gordon Freeman:
If you have played Half-Life, you know the main character is Gordon Freeman. His events
are set prior to the events you are now involved in. Ever wonder what happened to him?
After you have escorted Kruglov to Lake Yantar, go back to the downed HIND helicopter
in Rostok Wildlands (where you first triggered the escort Kruglov mission).
Nearby, you can see where there is an entrance to an underground garage area. Various
anomalies are active in the area but are easily avoided. Looking in you can see a
campfire. Head there and check around. There will be the remains of a corpse on a
mattress inside a large metal ship container. Near the fire is a dead body.
Searching the body you'll find a unique handgun called Big Ben that fires PAB-9, SP-5
and SP-6 ammo. You will also acquire a new entry in your PDA (about other PDAs) with
a number of notes as to what happened to Dr. Freeman.
Bonus content:
Enter the game's folder in the Limited Edition of the game and run the "setup-bp.exe"
file. Select a language, then enter pseudodog as a code to unlock the Pool multi-player
map and the U.K. and U.S. military multi-player skins. Enter snork as a code to unlock
the Dark Valley multi-player map and the French and German military multi-player skins.
When you find you way into the sarcophagus, you will find a doorway that leads through
a wire barrier and a hole in the wall with about ten people through the hole. Instead
of going through that doorway, continue towards the light on the wall and turn right.
There will be about two enemies there. Kill them and go through the door to their right.
Just through that door to the left will be a ladder going to a door. Search the room at
the bottom and you will find a chest with an Exoskeleton inside. It adds on radiation;
bring some artifacts that counter radiation. It weighs 15, but gives you the ability
to carry an extra 20. It has good protection from bullets but not much from anomalies.
Alternate endings:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding ending.
Note: Do not meet the requirements to qualify for more than one ending.
A: Go to the Wishgranter with more than 50,000 RU.
B: Go to the Wishgranter with over 1,000 rank points .
C: Go to the Wishgranter when Lukash and Voronin are both dead.
D: Go to the Wishgranter with less than -1,000 rank points.
E: Go to the Wishgranter with none of the above requirements.
F: Join the C-Consciousness.
G: Refuse to join the C-Consciousness.
While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the
following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Cheat Code
List console commands - help
Performance Fix:
Go into your User.alx file.
It can be found in C\:Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\STALKER-SHOC
Replace all the text with the following:
_preset Default
ai_use_torch_dynamic_lights on
bind jump kSPACE
bind crouch kRCONTROL
bind crouch_toggle kSLASH
bind accel kLSHIFT
bind sprint_toggle kX
bind forward kUP
bind back kDOWN
bind lstrafe kLEFT
bind rstrafe kRIGHT
bind llookout kQ
bind rlookout kE
bind cam_zoom_in kADD
bind cam_zoom_out kSUBTRACT
bind torch kL
bind night_vision kN
bind wpn_1 k1
bind wpn_2 k2
bind wpn_3 k3
bind wpn_4 k4
bind wpn_5 k5
bind wpn_6 k6
bind artefact k7
bind wpn_next kY
bind wpn_fire mouse1
bind wpn_zoom mouse2
bind wpn_reload kR
bind wpn_func kV
bind wpn_firemode_prev k9
bind wpn_firemode_next k0
bind pause kPAUSE
bind drop kG
bind use kF
bind scores kTAB
bind chat kCOMMA
bind chat_team kPERIOD
bind screenshot kF12
bind quit kESCAPE
bind console kGRAVE
bind inventory kI
bind buy_menu kB
bind skin_menu kO
bind team_menu kU
bind active_jobs kP
bind map kM
bind contacts kH
bind vote_begin kF5
bind vote kF6
bind vote_yes kF7
bind vote_no kF8
bind speech_menu_0 kC
bind speech_menu_1 kZ
bind use_bandage kRBRACKET
bind use_medkit kLBRACKET
cam_inert 0.
cam_slide_inert 0.25
cl_cod_pickup_mode 1
cl_dynamiccrosshair on
g_always_run on
g_autopickup on
g_backrun on
g_corpsenum 10
g_eventdelay 0
g_game_difficulty gd_stalker
hud_crosshair on
hud_crosshair_dist off
mm_mm_net_srv_dedicated off
mm_net_con_publicserver off
mm_net_con_spectator 20
mm_net_con_spectator_on off
mm_net_srv_gamemode st_deathmatch
mm_net_srv_maxplayers 32
mm_net_srv_name BLACKBOX
mm_net_srv_reinforcement_type 1
mm_net_weather_rateofchange 1.
mouse_invert off
mouse_sens 0.32
net_cl_icurvesize 0
net_cl_icurvetype 0
net_cl_interpolation 0.
net_cl_log_data off
net_cl_pending_lim 3
net_cl_update_rate 30
net_dedicated_sleep 5
net_sv_log_data off
net_sv_pending_lim 3
net_sv_update_rate 30
ph_frequency 75.00000
ph_iterations 24
r1_dlights on
r1_dlights_clip 10.
r1_glows_per_frame 16
r1_lmodel_lerp 0.1
r1_pps_u -1.
r1_pps_v 0.
r1_ssa_lod_a 64.
r1_ssa_lod_b 48.
r1_tf_mipbias 0.
r2_aa off
r2_aa_break 0.800000,0.500000,0.000000
r2_aa_kernel 0.5
r2_aa_weight 0.250000,0.250000,0.000000
r2_allow_r1_lights off
r2_gi off
r2_gi_clip 0.001
r2_gi_depth 1
r2_gi_photons 16
r2_gi_refl 0.9
r2_gloss_factor 1.4
r2_ls_bloom_fast off
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_b 0.7
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_g 3.
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_scale 0.7
r2_ls_bloom_speed 100.
r2_ls_bloom_threshold 0.001
r2_ls_depth_bias -0.0003
r2_ls_depth_scale 1.00001
r2_ls_dsm_kernel 0.7
r2_ls_psm_kernel 0.7
r2_ls_squality 0.5
r2_ls_ssm_kernel 0.7
r2_mblur 0.
r2_parallax_h 0.04
r2_slight_fade 0.05
r2_ssa_lod_a 96.
r2_ssa_lod_b 64.
r2_sun on
r2_sun_depth_far_bias -0.00001
r2_sun_depth_far_scale 1.
r2_sun_depth_near_bias 0.00001
r2_sun_depth_near_scale 1.
r2_sun_details off
r2_sun_focus on
r2_sun_lumscale 1.
r2_sun_lumscale_amb 0.5
r2_sun_lumscale_hemi 1.
r2_sun_near 12.
r2_sun_near_border 0.75
r2_sun_tsm on
r2_sun_tsm_bias -0.01
r2_sun_tsm_proj 0.3
r2_tf_mipbias -3.
r2_tonemap on
r2_tonemap_adaptation 1.
r2_tonemap_amount 0.7
r2_tonemap_lowlum 0.0001
r2_tonemap_middlegray 0.6
r2_wait_sleep 0
r2_zfill off
r2_zfill_depth 0.5
r2em 2.
r__detail_density 0.44
r__geometry_lod 1.2
r__supersample 4
r__tf_aniso 12
renderer renderer_r2
rs_c_brightness 1.
rs_c_contrast 1.
rs_c_gamma 1.2
rs_fullscreen on
rs_refresh_60hz off
rs_stats off
rs_v_sync off
rs_vis_distance 1.
snd_acceleration on
snd_cache_size 32
snd_efx on
snd_targets 24
snd_volume_eff 0.8
snd_volume_music 1.
sv_anomalies_enabled 1
sv_anomalies_length 3
sv_artefact_respawn_delta 30
sv_artefact_stay_time 3
sv_artefacts_count 10
sv_auto_team_balance 0
sv_auto_team_swap 1
sv_bearercantsprint 1
sv_client_reconnect_time 60
sv_console_update_rate 1
sv_dedicated_server_update_rate 100
sv_dmgblockindicator 1
sv_dmgblocktime 0
sv_forcerespawn 0
sv_fraglimit 10
sv_friendly_indicators 0
sv_friendly_names 0
sv_friendlyfire 1.
sv_hail_to_winner_time 7000
sv_pda_hunt 1
sv_pending_wait_time 10000
sv_reinforcement_time 0
sv_remove_corpse 1
sv_remove_weapon 1
sv_returnplayers 1
sv_rpoint_freeze_time 0
sv_shieldedbases 1
sv_spectr_firsteye 1
sv_spectr_freefly 0
sv_spectr_freelook 1
sv_spectr_lookat 1
sv_spectr_teamcamera 1
sv_statistic_collect 1
sv_statistic_save_auto 0
sv_timelimit 0
sv_vote_enabled 1
sv_vote_participants 0
sv_vote_quota 0.51
sv_vote_time 1.
sv_warm_up 0
texture_lod 2
vid_mode 1280x1024
Make sure you create a backup of your original file in case anything goes wrong.
Entering the Freedom armory:
Use the following trick to enter the Freedom armory without being detected. Push
a chair towards the guard. The chair can fall down partway and the glitch will
still work. When it touches the guard, jump on it then jump onto him. You will
be pushed past the guard and into the armory hallway. Slash the lock with your
knife to enter. Use the same chair technique in the armory or the other room
to get out.
Corpse inventory:
To exceed the usual 50 kilograms of weight you can carry, simply load excess weight
on to a human corpse. Then press [Shift] + [Use] to drag the corpse along with you.
By doing this, you can load a corpse with any number of items and move them from one
location to another. Note: Because you cannot attack while dragging a corpse, use
this trick only when there are few enemies around. Additionally, you cannot drag the
corpse into a new map. Do not leave items you want to keep on a corpse or they will
be lost when you enter a new map.
Kill without gaining aggro:
Normally when you shoot an NPC, he and his faction will open fire on you. However,
you can use the red explosive barrels to kill them and it will not agrro them against
your character.
Easy Money:
When in the Red Forest and the forester sends you on the mission to get the compass,
get it and return to him. When you talk to him tell him you have the artifact and
he will give you a fully upgraded Vintar VC, DONT continue the conversation, once
he gives you the gun, exit the conversation. Then talk to him again and tell him
you got the artifact again. he will give you another gun, do this as many times as
you want, then go and sell the guns for a huge profit. I made 200,000 in 10 minutes.
Submitted by: s.t.a.l.k.e.r.
If yo accientaly "drop" a grenade, then quickly run and press f in front of it,
You will pick it up and it wont explode.
However, i you are a little too late, then... you know.
Splinter Cell - Conviction
This game is titled also "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Conviction".
We will get new cheats and hints soon for this game.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
We're doing our best to find cheats for this game.
At this moment we don't have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this game.
If you have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this video game console,
then feel free to submit them. You can also try our Forums, where
you can post your questions or share secrets that you have found with
other gamers.
You are a fugitive and you're being ruthlessly hunted by the very
government you once served. The key to your survival is to improvise,
adapt and overcome. Experience original game play based on improvisation
where your environment becomes your weapon. You need to react to changing
situations and use the environment and the crowds around you to create
diversions and deter your enemies.
Splinter Cell Conviction will deliver an adrenaline rush of game play
with blood-pumping chase sequences, close combat and intense gun battles.
To survive, build an underground network of allies who will help you
obtain hi-tech gadgets and stay one step ahead of your pursuers as you
struggle to unmask the forces that want you dead.
You've never played Splinter Cell like this before.
* Discover a new breed of game play where every object is available to use.
Inventory is actually the world around you, for you to decide how you
want to use it.
* As a fugitive, quick thinking and adaptation are essential to turn the
situation to your advantage. However, enemies can also use the environment
and resources to track you down.
* Blend in with a realistic crowd and navigate within a civilian environment,
mimic them to go undetected, or instigate panic as a divisive way to become
untraceable as you escape danger. Active stealth will force you to think and
act quickly. However, you will have to weigh the risk of heavy force is always
the other option.
* Use your underground connections to gain access to black market gadgets and
weapons, or use consumer grade gear in ways they were not intended to
complete your objectives.
* Play with, or against, your friends in the middle of a civilian crowd. But
know that they will look like any other person, so your sense of observation
and ability to act unnoticed are as important as reacting instantly to an
unexpected threat.
Just Cause 2
We will get new cheats and hints soon for this game.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
We're doing our best to find cheats for this game.
At this moment we don't have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this game.
If you have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this video game console,
then feel free to submit them. You can also try our Forums, where
you can post your questions or share secrets that you have found with
other gamers.
With more stunts, vehicles and weapons than ever before and an incredible
overhauled grappling hook, Rico returns to action in Panau, an incredibly
detailed and vast 1000 sq km game world of different climates and ultra-
realistic weather effects. Leap from your plane and skydive from 10,000
feet down into a tropical jungle, tear across an arid desert in a dune
buggy or climb your way up a snowy mountain in a 4x4. The vast open-ended,
unique gameplay is back, allowing you full freedom once again to free roam
and explore the massive world of Panau and tackle your assignments however
you want.
Rico returns to action in the sequel to Avalanche Studios' gargantuan
action game. Just Cause 2 stars Rico Rodriquez, back to wreak havoc once
again, this time with a new destination -- the huge playground of the South
East Asian islands of Panau. The sequel features more stunts, vehicles and
weapons than ever before and an incredible overhauled grappling hook system.
Panau itself is an incredibly detailed and vast 1000 sq km game world of
different climates and ultra-realistic weather effects. Leap from your
plane and skydive from 10,000 feet down into a tropical jungle, tear across
an arid desert in a dune buggy or climb your way up a snowy mountain in a 4x4.
The vast open-ended, unique gameplay is back, allowing you full freedom once
again to free roam and explore the massive world of Panau and tackle your
assignments however you want.
Assassin's Creed 2
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Easter Egg: Super Mario Bros. Reference:
At the beginning Sequence 3, the character Mario exclaims "Itsa me, Mario!" A
clear reference to the 52nd Governor of New York, Mario Cuomo. Or Super Mario.
Your call!
The following items can be unlocked by performing the actions below:
* Climb Leap Ability - Complete Rosa's mission "Monkey See, Monkey Do" in Sequence
7 to earn the climb leap ability. With this ability, you can make longer jumps
while climbing, letting you grab hand holds that'd normally be out of reach.
* Disarm Combat Technique - Complete Mario's "Evasive Maneuvers" mission in Sequence
5 to unlock the disarm technique. Disarms let you counter incoming attacks from
weapons that are normally too heavy to counter (like axes).
The following items can be unlocked by performing the actions below:
* Condottiero War Hammer - Collect 50 hidden feathers and the Condottiero War
Hammer will become available in the blacksmith's shop in the Villa Monteriggioni.
* Auditore Cape - Collect 100 hidden feathers and then talk to Mario in the Villa
Monteriggioni. He'll award you the Auditore Cape.
Free Medicines and Throwing Knives:
If you've got room in your inventory for more medicines or throwing knives, loot
dead bodies and you'll occasionally find these items for free.
Spear & Axe Reclamation:
* When countering enemies with the axe or spear, Ezio will lose the weapon as it
will be impaled or buried in the target.
* You can easily reclaim the weapon by picking up the corpse and dropping it. The
weapon embedded in the dead body will pop back out for re-use.
From the Deep:
In Santa Maria Delle Visitazione, in the Assassin's Tomb, you'll come across a large
flooded room just before one of the Armor of Altair seals. Pull the lever and peer
into the water. Wait a minute or so and you'll see a shadow below. Pull the lever
again and peer into the murky depths once more and a tentacle will reach out to grab
(and miss) Ezio.
Mario Quote:
When you are escorting Maria and Claudia to the villa, you will eventually be ambushed
by Pazzi and his men. You are rescued by your Uncle Mario, and when you first talk to
him he says "Don't you recognize me? Its-a me, Mario!"
Broom Hammer:
If you come across a man who is sweeping the street, knock him over or throw him so he
drops his broom. you are able to then pick up the broom with B and use it as a weapon.
it's attacks are that of a blunt weapon. you can also do this with farmer's garden hoes.
The first Assassin’s Creed 2 details have apparently been leaked onto the
Internet, taken from the next issue of Game Informer magazine, which got
the exclusive first reveal on the upcoming Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC
Additionally the main character of Assassin’s Creed 2, Ezio, was also revealed.
You can see what he looks like in the pic above (click to see a larger image).
His full name is “Ezio Auditore de Firenze.”
You may not want to read ahead if you are weary of spoilers. You also will want
to take this info with a grain of salt, cause who knows how accurate it is.
Here are the first Assassin’s Creed 2 details:
- You’ll have a ton of new weapons to choose from including an axe, a hammer, a
mace, a spear, 2 different sword types, a spear axe, and 2 smaller blades
- You CAN swim
- Da Vincis workshop is in the game
- Locations include Saint Marks Basilica, The Grand Canal, The Little Canal, and
the Rialto bridge.
- The game opens in 1476, Altair is from 1191
- So you do indeed play as a new ancestor of Altair / Desmond
- You will see the countryside of Tuscany
- The “Auditore” family is mentioned
- The main characters name is Ezio Auditore de Firenze
- He is a nobleman of Florence
- Big characters are in the game including Machiavelli, Caterina Sofrza, and
Lorenzo de Medici
- YOU DO INDEED GLIDE on Da Vincis flying machine.
- Game will feature a new notoriety system that governs how enemy soldiers and people
will treat you.
- You can disarm enemies and use their own weapons against them this time.
- Each weapon has a special move.
- 16 unique mission types.
- No more ease dropping or pick pocketing missions.
- If you get beat up to much you will need to see a street side doctor to regain
full strength.
- Hidden objects (like flags in the first one) are there to uncover but this time if
you track them down you will get in-game bonuses that make it worth your time.
- Items include, flags, statues, and gold coins and more that isnt mentioned.
- New enemy types with unique attitudes and weaknesses are present in the game.
Archers are mentioned, as well as elite enemies, dagger wielders, “Brutish” armored
troops with heavy armor and 2 handed swords and axes, and an intelligent halberd
enemy will probe hiding places with their weapons if they think you’re near by.
- While hiding in a hay bail you can assassinate people this time, but it may expose
your position.
- You can still climb towers and ride horses
- The Lorendo de Medici assassination attempt is in the game.
- There is now a night and day sequence in the game.
- 240 people are working on this title.

Sebuah dendam masa kecil; inilah bahayanya jika itu dialami oleh seorang pemimpin!
Hitler awalnya bercita-cita menjadi seorang seniman (bukan menjadi tentara/ politikus). Sebagai pecinta seni, maka dia mencoba mendaftar ke sebuah fakultas seni
Frustasi, yatim-piatu, tidak ada uang, sehingga dia selama kira-kira setahun menjadi gelandangan, hidup dari belas kasihan orang lain di jalanan. Selama itu, dia juga mulai benci terhadap orang Yahudi, kaum imigran yang hidup lebih mewah, dan ini dikuatkan dengan pendengaran dari ceramah yang sifatnya “Antisemit” oleh Walikota Vienna Karl Lueger. Teori Lueger yang menyalahkan kekacauan ekonomi dan politik kepada kaum Yahudi, mengispirasinya menjadi pembenci kaum Yahudi sepanjang hidupnya. Ini pula yang membangun ideologinya dan menganggap bangsa Arya adalah ras tertinggi. Banyak orang berkata, seandainya saja dia diterima di sekolah seni tersebut, mungkin Hitler hanya akan menjadi seniman seperti Picasso misalnya, mungkin sejarah juga akan lain ceritanya. Disinilah salah satu letak pentingnya Hitler, dia mengubah sejarah (meskipun ke jalan yang dianggap salah). Garis hidupnya bagaikan takdir yang tidak bisa diubah.
Di tahun 1914, Jerman ikut serta dalam Perang Dunia 1 dan Hitler masuk militer. Sewaktu perang di garis depan, dia terluka, dipulangkan dan mendapatkan medali untuk keberaniannya. Selama perang, Hitler berangsur-angsur menjadi seorang patriot untuk Jerman meskipun dia sendiri bukan warga negara Jerman (dia lahir di
Jerman setelah kalah perang porak poranda. Keadaannya sangat mengenaskan dengan kota-kota yang hancur, harga barang tinggi ditambah lagi dengan datangnya gerakan-gerakan revolusi komunis. Hitler sendiri tetap berdiam di militer. Hitler membenci orang-orang dari berbagai ideologi, termasuk komunis (Karl Marx adalah seorang Yahudi), sosialis kapitalis dan liberal. Sebenarnya karir militer Hitler hanya sampai Kopral, bisa dibayangkan betapa hebatnya orang ini, dia menjadi Army Commander yang ditakuti seluruh dunia pada Perang Dunia 2.
Tahun 1919 Hitler lalu bergabung dengan sebuah partai kecil bernama Partai Pekerja Jerman dan meninggalkan karir militernya. Saat berhasil menjadi pemimpinnya dan akhirnya mengubah namanya menjadi partai NAZI. Tahun 1920, Hitler menterbitkan simbol Swastika dan Tahun 1921 Partai ini semakin solid dengan didukung oleh kelompok milisia SA. Disinilah kita bisa melihat salah satu kejeniusan Hitler, berorganisasi dan berpidato. Terus terang, secara pribadi, saya tidak pernah melihat orang berpidato sehebat Hitler. Saya sendiri, begitu melihat film dokumenter tentang Hitler ini, biarpun tidak mengerti bahasanya tapi ikut tergugah dan bersemangat dengan cara yang sulit digambarkan. Ketika pengikutnya berteriak sambil mengangkat tangan “HAIL HITLER!” benar-benar luar biasa! Apapun yang Hitler katakan adalah seperti sebuah “Religion’s order” yang membuat pengikutnya menjadi super fanatik dan mengikuti apapun yang dikatakannya.
Artinya ": Bisa saja saya musnahkan semua Yahudi di dunia ini, tapi saya sisakan sedikit yang hidup, agar kamu nantinya dapat mengetahui mengapa saya membunuh mereka."
Benar atau tidak ucapan itu dilontarkan Hitler memang bukan menjadi persoalan. Tapi, ungkapan itu seolah-olah ingin menggambarkan betapa dahsyatnya bangsa Yahudi.
ungkapan itu ramai diperbincangkan di jejaring sosial facebook. Konon, ucapan yang dilontarkan itu, dijadikan acuan bagi tentara Nazi untuk melakukan genosida kaum Yahudi di Eropa. Meski hal ini masih jadi perdebatan.
Namun terlepas benar atau tidaknya ungkapan itu, setidaknya kini semua manusia melihat dengan jelas bagaimana aksi brutal bangsa Yahudi. Mulai dari pencaplokan tanah Palestina sejak tahun 1965 hingga pembantaian penduduk sipil di Jalur Gaza dan sekitarnya.
Tahukah anda bahwa Amerika mengalokasikan 5 milyar
bantuan perang tambahan sebesar 4 milyar
Yang membuat heran, PBB sepertinya tutup mata dengan kebrutalan
We will get new cheats and hints soon for this game.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
We're doing our best to find cheats for this game.
At this moment we don't have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this game.
If you have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this video game console,
then feel free to submit them. You can also try our Forums, where
you can post your questions or share secrets that you have found with
other gamers.
Set during the fall of Rapture, players assume the role of a Plasmid
test subject for Sinclair Solutions, a premier provider of Plasmids and
Tonics in the underwater city of Rapture that was first explored in the
original BioShock. Players will need to use all the elements of the
BioShock toolset to survive as the full depth of the BioShock experience
is refined and transformed into a unique multiplayer experience that
can only be found in Rapture.
* Evolution of the genetically enhanced shooter – Earn experience points
during gameplay to earn access to new Weapons, Plasmids and Tonics that
can be used to create hundreds of different combinations, allowing
players to develop a unique character that caters to their playing style.
* Extend the Rapture fiction – Players will step into the shoes of Rapture
citizens and learn more about the fall of Rapture as they progress through
the experience.
* See Rapture before the fall – Experience Rapture before it was reclaimed
by the ocean and engage in combat over iconic environments in locations
such as Kashmir Restaurant and Mercury Suites, all of which have been
reworked from the ground up to deliver a fast-paced multiplayer experience.
* FPS veterans add their touch to the multiplayer experience – Digital
Extremes brings more than 10 years of first person shooter experience
including development of award-winning entries in the Unreal and Unreal
Tournament franchise.
We will get new cheats and hints soon for this game.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
We're doing our best to find cheats for this game.
At this moment we don't have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this game.
If you have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this video game console,
then feel free to submit them. You can also try our Forums, where
you can post your questions or share secrets that you have found with
other gamers.
In "Battlefield: Bad Company 2", the Bad Company crew again find themselves
in the heart of the action, where they must use every weapon and vehicle
at their disposal to survive. The action unfolds with unprecedented
intensity, introducing a level of fervor to vehicular warfare never
before experienced in a modern warfare action game.
The 'B' company fight their way through snowy mountaintops, dense jungles
and dusty villages. With a heavy arsenal of deadly weapons and a slew of
vehicles to aid them, the crew set off on their mission and they are ready
to blow up, shoot down, blast through, wipe out and utterly destroy anything
that gets in their way. Total destruction is the name of the game -- either
online or offline, enemies will soon learn there is nowhere to hide.
Cheat Codes:
Update by: Joseph Dotolo
Submitted by: RM
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the
file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "civ4config" file in the
game directory. Change the "Cheat Code = 0" line to "Cheat Code = chipotle".
Then, press ~ during game play and enter one of the following codes to activate the
cheat function.
Effect Code
Display all console window codes - help
Stop music - Sound.noMusic
Reload audio scripts - Sound.reload
Stop Soundscape from playing - Sound.stopSoundScape
Play sound - AS2D, AS3D, ASSS - Sound.play string [filename]
Finds entities with black emissivity - Graphics.FindBlackPlotsAndCities
Hide attachables - Graphics.HideAttachables
Force light update on all entities - Graphics.ForceLightingUpdate
Rebuild terrain and lighting - Graphics.ReBuildTerrain
Set Hill scale - Graphics.SetHillScale [floating number]
Set Peak scale - Graphics.SetPeakScale [floating number]
Set water plane height - Graphics.setWaterHeight [floating number]
Set render depth for quad tree - Graphics.quadTreeDepth [integer]
Toggle water - Graphics.toggleWater
Display terrain - Graphics.displayTerrain bool bOn
Toggle grids - Graphics.toggleGridMode
Dump texture palette - Graphics.showTexturePalette
Set texturing - Graphics.setTextureMode bool bOn
Set wireframe - Graphics.setWireframe bool bOn
Morph the globeview count times. - Profile.morphGlobe [integer]
Rebuild city indicated number of times - Profile.rebuildCity [x coordinate], [y coordinate], [integer]
Rebuild plot indicated number of times - Profile.rebuildPlot [x coordinate], [y coordinate], [integer]
Dump console command history - Console.History
Clear the console - Console.Clear
Display current logging status - Log.status
Toggle logging - Log.toggle
Clear the log file - Log.clear
Erase units and cities from map - Map.empty
Replot Goodies - Map.generateGoodies
Replot Bonuses - Map.generateBonuses
Replot Features - Map.generateFeatures
Replot Rivers - Map.generateRivers
Change the active landscape info - Map.setActiveLandscapeID [landscape number]
Erase all plots - Map.erasePlots
Reload Game Text xml files - Xml.reloadGameText
Reload Civ4TerrainSettings.xml - Xml.reloadLandscapeInfo
Reload Civ4ArtDefines.xml - Xml.reloadArtDefines
Toggle Animation Test Tool - Game.toggleAnimationTest
Show GFC directory chooser - Game.gfcDirChooser
Show GFC file dlg window - Game.gfcfiledlg
Show GFC test popup - Game.testGFC [integer]
Show test popup - Game.testFont bool bEnable
Show the Python test popup - Game.testPythonPopup
Show test popup - Game.testPopup
Scroll to the bottom - Game.scrollBottom
Scroll to the top - Game.scrollTop
Clear the listbox below - Game.clear
Display the help popup - Game.helpScreen
Toggle debug mode - Game.toggleDebugMode
Debugging - Game.showWBPalette bool bCreate
Set debugging value - App.setMooseDbg2 [integer]
Set debugging value - App.setMooseDbg1 [integer]
TGA full screen shot - App.takeFullScreenShot
TGA screen shot - App.takeScreenShot
Set maximum frame rate; 0 to disable - App.setMaxFrameRate [floating number]
Update existing value in the ini file - App.setIniFile [group key], [key], [value]
Crash game - App.crash
Return the application link time - App.getBuildTime
Test player unit iteration - Player.testUnitIter [integer]
Change players gold - Player.changeGold [player number], [gold]
Set players gold; 0 is active player - Player.setGold [player number], [gold]
Debug mode commands:
Use the following commands after enabling the Game.toggleDebugMode code.
Effect Command
World editor - [Ctrl] + W
Decrease highlighted unit's strength by 0.2 - [Shift] + [
Increase highlighted unit's strength by 0.2 - [Shift] + ]
Increase gold by 1000 - [Ctrl] + 4
Display debug menu - [Ctrl] + D
Insert unit/city - [Ctrl] + [Shift] + Left Mouse Button
Increase highlighted city's population by 1 - [Shift] + [Plus]
Increase highlighted city's culture by 10 - [Ctrl] + [Plus]
Instant production completion - [Plus]
Level up highlighted unit - [Ctrl] + [Plus]
City editor:
Highlight a city, then press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + Left Mouse Button.
We will get new cheats and hints soon for this game.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
We're doing our best to find cheats for this game.
At this moment we don't have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this game.
If you have Cheats, Hints or Tricks for this video game console,
then feel free to submit them. You can also try our Forums, where
you can post your questions or share secrets that you have found with
other gamers.
The second chapter in the Mass Effect trilogy takes you to the darkest
reaches of space, where you must uncover the mystery behind the
disappearance of humans across many worlds. Prepare yourself for a suicide
mission to save mankind. Travel the galaxy to assemble a team of soldiers
and combat specialists, and launch an all-out assault on the heart of enemy
Conceived as a trilogy, the sequel to Mass Effect promises another epic
intergalactic tale of planetary exploration, civil conflict, challenges of
conscious, and perhaps even romantic entanglements. In this dark second
chapter, Saren's evil army of Geth soldiers has just been defeated, and
humans, who are still struggling to make their mark on the galactic stage,
are now faced with an even greater peril.
Cheat Codes:
Update by: Johan
Update by: DJ Simo
Update by: Eric Crone
E-mail: zoolander444@aol.com
Submitted by: Danilo Arthur bertelli
E-mail: pdperfect@ig.com.br
Press enter and write:
Cheat Result
man over game - Makes you win
noglues - Enemy can't use magic
zerg(mission #) - Zerg mission select
protoss(mission #) - Protoss mission select
terran(mission #) - Terran mission select
power overwhelming - invicibility/god mode
show me the money - vespene and minerals
black sheep wall - see all map
game over man - lose level
there is no cow level - win level
whats mine is mine - minerals
breathe deep - vespene
something for nothing - all upgrades
operation cwal - build fast
staying alive - play after level over
medieval man - gives free upgrades
modify the phase variance - build any building
war aint what it used to be - disable fog of war
food for thought - build more units than posible
the gathering - no enargy use
ophelia - than type terran#,zerg# and
protoss# to skip to that level
Bonus Level Cheat:
In order to play the bonus level 'Dark Origin', finish the Zerg Brood wars
level 'The Reckoning' (level 8) within 25 minutes. This can easily be
accomplished by using the invincibility cheat 'power overwhelming'.
Submitted by: mike
When you type specialfire by first press enter you will get all fly and men by
your commandcentre and their weapons will be increasd in 1000 damage and all the
men and fly units be also in godmode.
Submitted by: Matthew forrester
When playing in campign mode put the cheat operation cwal on then put the cheat
black sheep on. Then go to your barracks and create as many marines as you want.
Before you do this you must set a rally point in the enemys base. Start creating
marines and they will automatically go to the enemys base and destroy it. enjoy!
Stack Hydralisks in regular games:
Have lots of Hatcheries and the Burrow ability on. Also, make sure you can build the
Hydralisks. Have one of your Hydralisks hot keyed to [Ctrl] + 1. Burrow the Hydralisk
that has been hot keyed. Click on the other Hydralisks. press U, [Ctrl] + 1, 1 then
U very fast. This may take some time to do. If you notice you are on your first hot
keyed Hydralisk and you still have the others burrowed, then it was done correctly.
Move the burrowed Hydralisks and you will see them stacking on each other. If you want
to use this move on the other battle.net players have lots of them (33 to 55) stacked
Fast Zerglings:
Have your four starting Drones start harvesting. Build only one more Drone. When it
hatches, have it harvest. Wait until you get 200 minerals, then build a Spawning Pool.
When you get 50 minerals, make a Drone, then another. When you get 100 minerals, make
an Overlord. You should have 6 Drones, about 150 minerals, and 2 Overlords when your
Pool is done. This takes about two to three minutes and all comps will fall to you,
even the hardest ones.
Not entirely defeated:
Before you send all of your troops into battle, make two or three SCVs/Drones/Probes and
send them to a corner of the map with no enemies near by. Then, send your infantry to
battle. In the event that your whole infantry is defeated and if you possibly lose
buildings, you can just start a new base and remake an infantry with your
Multi-player Terran strategy:
Have 8 SCVs mining and 3 gathering gas. Build two Supply Depots and a Barracks, then build
at least 20 Marines with more Depots. Have an SCV build an Engineering Bay. Build a
Factory and an Academy. Now add on the Machine Shop and for the Base add a Comsat Station.
Work on a Starport and keep making men at your Barracks and Factory. Upgrade your Tanks
to siege mode and build an Armory. Build a Control Tower and Wraiths. Have them learn
cloaking and build Dropships. You should be building Missile Turrets and Bunkers full
of Marines. Build a huge force of assorted ground and air units. Attack with full
force after using your Comsat Station to find the enemy.
Terran defense:
If you chose to be Terran, start by blocking your entrance with Supply Depots. Then build
Bunkers in front of the Depots and fill them with Marines. Line up some Missile Turrets
parallel to the Bunkers. As soon as you get Tanks with Siege upgrade, make them use Siege
mode just in the front of your defense. Upgrade your Marines to have farther attack range.
Now put all your efforts in building some air to air defense such as Wraiths. Place up
to twelve just in front of your Tanks and make them hold position.
Easy Terran win:
Set the rally point of your factory in the middle of the enemy base. Keep building Goliaths
and Siege Tanks. Let them take out the base. The Goliaths will take out most air units.
Make sure to bring a Science Vessel for Cloaked and Burrowed troops.
Marine gives obvious orders:
In the level "Boot Camp", enable the black sheep wall code. Look around the map. You
should see small groups of five or six Zerglings scattered throughout the map, including
a pack dangerously close to your small base. Attack this herd, and one of the attacking
Marines will give you an obvious hint on how to attack enemies and how to keep your units
walking, while taking and ignoring enemy attacks.
Zerg rushing:
Use the following trick take your opponent out before he can build his defense. First,
make seven Drones and get them all mining minerals. Then get three or four Overlords.
Make a Spawning Pool. Then, have about 30 Zerglings attack all at one time. The only
drawback to this strategy is if your attack fails you will have no defense.
Extra Broodlings:
When playing as the Zerg, enable the show me the money code, or have a lot of Queens. You
can keep using spawn Broodlings on other Broodlings. In a short time you can have 50
Broodlings, and attack. Use this trick when your opponent only has an infantry.
Moving frozen Archon:
Get two Templars or Dark Templars and an Arbiter with Stasis Field. Merge the two Templars
and wait until they are almost done. Note: It usually works if they have 1 square remaining
on the bar. When they come out of the field a second one will appear and will imprison it
again. However, the Archon can still move.
Hear different unit phrases:
Select a unit four times. Select it again to hear a different phrase. This may be done on
every ground unit, air unit, and heroes. Depending on type, four to seven different phrases
may be heard.
Nuke neutral animals:
Keep selecting a neutral animal (Kakaru, Rhyadon, Scantid, Ursadon, Bangalass, Or Ragnasaur)
repeatedly until a nuke falls on them. They should make up to fifteen sounds before they die.
Clone Broodlings:
If you are Zerg and you have a Queen and you're able to use the abilaty "Spawn Broodlings",
than use it on an enemy non-mechanical ground unit and when the two broodlings come out of
that unit, hit one of the broodlings with "Spawn Broodlings", and two Broodlings will come
out of that Broodling. If you do this reapeatedly than you can have an army of them.
Extra supplies:
Instead of playing a custom scenario, go to multiplayer and do direct connect. create a
game on team melle and put all the same races in your team. for each time you put your
race in, it's an extra 200 supplies! his means you can have 100 carriers if you play 2
teams and all protoss!
Shakespearean Idiocy:
If you click on a Protoss or Terran unit repeatedly (alternately, assign it a grouping and
hold the key for that grouping), it will say acknowledge your command, then proceed to
other-worldy humour. Some remarks are wry Blizzard commentary on Warcraft and their other
past projects (like Diablo).
Skip Levels:
Enter this code to enable level skipping cheat.First push enter,then Type Ophelia and Push
enter Agian.(on the screen It should say code enabled).The Type where ever you want to go.
Their are three types Of aleins Type whatever aleins then press any # 1-10
Starcraft Cheat Code Usage Instructions:The following codes only function in single player
custom games & campaign games. To utilize them once in a game, press the 'Enter' key. An
on-screen prompt appears which reads 'Message:' in colored letters. Type in the code you
have selected and press the 'Enter' key again. The message 'Cheat Enabled' should then
appear above where the message prompt used to be to confirm the code was activated.
Repeat the process with the same code to disable it.
Locate Burrowed Zergs:
To locate burrowed Zergs,click on any of your units and move the green arrow cursor around
the place you think is not safe. If your cursor turns red there are burrowed Zergs there.
Place Command Center Near Resources:
First, Lift up your command center by pressing "L" after clicking it or by clicking the
arrow pointing up. Then make it land by pressing "L" again but before it lands, press
"SHIFT + S". Hold it until the terran command center lands. After it reach the ground,
press Right Click near the Resources. You will notice that the command center flies and
lands automatically near the resources.
Play as the zerg and get 9 drones. Tell 1 of them to build an extractor, then build another
drone. Cancel the extractor and you have 11 drones and 1 overlord.
Zerg Music:
If you are playing as zerg, enter "radio free zerg" and zerg music will play.
(This only works for zerg).
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: nightraider
Hex Cheat:
Using Hex Workshop 3.1, target file: save.idx. When you open the saved game
the program will show you to the left the character stats. The address to
start is 00001fee. To add 99 to constitution for example, the hex numbers
are 3939.
The Undead Character: Mage:
Submitted by: d.shankarnarayana
At the first create character screen you must be cautious. You are provided
with three characters (WARRIOR, SCOUT&MAGE). Don't try to select a scout or
a warrior if you want to win the game. Select a mage and continue your quest.
You will be given a quest to find the healing herb in the village courtyard.
After completing the quest return to the village you will find many Sha-ahoul
scouts and warriors. Defeat them by the electric charge spell, then go to dead
corpse and retrieve all their items and wear it. Try to search for a tower
shield (vital). After you are fully equipped you don't have the ability to
die (it really happens...trust me). This does not work out with either a
scout or a warrior. If more doubts persists, Mail me.
Easy money -1:
At the beginning of the game, instead of taking the commission letter to the
armory or weaponry to get the weapon, sell it. You will get a lot of crowns
for it.
Easy money -2:
Note: This procedure involves editing game files; create a backup copy of the
files before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "merchant.pox " files in
the game folder. There are six of them, plus the ones with the merchant's names.
Set the "buydiscount" amount to about "2000.00" and set the "sellmarkup" amount
to "0.00".
Impervious to damage:
Press D during game play to make your character impervious to damage.
The Three Stooges reference:
You can find The Three Stooges in the game. Moe and Curley are located in the
outer keep level one, in the infirmary. Larry is located in the inner keep level
two, behind the locked door. Talk to Sir Roth about getting the key after you
find the door.
Gain new items:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the
file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "items.db" file in the
"/digital tome/siege of avalon/artlib/resources/database" directory. Find the
desired item. To get the item, go into the conversations folder (in the resources
directory). Go into one of the people near you, and look for the heading [Intro]
and place the "script=..." line under it. Do not replace any other line.
Type the following:
script=player.additem(internal name)
Internal name is the name that appears in the item document (YellowVest, etc.).
To get training points, do the same thing but type:
guideline is recommended. Do not add more than 50 points to any one stat. Set
you have upgraded all stats. Once you complete a chapter, do this again.
You may have to find a new character nearest yourself.
After the internal name of the item, there are spaces created by vertical lines
(for example, Yellow Vest|'A'||...|'Z'|[Chest1][Chest2][Chest3]) There are, or
should be, 59 spaces. Start with the one marked 'A' in the example, and end
with 'Z'. ('A' is 1, 'Z' is 59.). The following is what each line effects:
1: Piercing Damage A*
2: Crushing Damage A
3: Cutting Damage A
4: Heat Damage A
5: Cold Damage A
6: Electric Damage A
7: Poison Damage A
8: Magic Damage A
9: Mental Damage A
10: Stun Damage A
11: Special Damage A
12: Piercing Damage B**
13: Crushing Damage B
14: Cutting Damage B
15: Heat Damage B
16: Cold Damage B
17: Electric Damage B
18: Poison Damage B
19: Magic Damage B
20: Mental Damage B
21: Stun Damage B
22: Special Damage B
23: Piercing Invincibility
24: Crushing Invincibility
25: Cutting Invincibility
26: Heat Invincibility
27: Cold Invincibility
28: Electric Invincibility
29: Poison Invincibility
30: Magic Invincibility
31: Mental Invincibility
32: Stun Invincibility
33: Piercing Resistance
34: Crushing Resistance
35: Cutting Resistance
36: Heat Resistance
37: Cold Resistance
38: Electric Resistance
39: Poison Resistance
40: Magic Resistance
41: Mental Resistance
42: Stun Resistance
43: Strength
44: Coordination
45: Constitution
46: Mystacism
47: Combat
48: Stealth
49: Restriction
50: Attack Recovery
51: Hit Recovery
52: Perception
53: Charm
54: Healing Rate
55: Recharge Rate
56: Hit Points
57: Mana
58: Attack
59: Defense
Note: The damage A column is the minimum damage the item will inflict. The damage
B column is the maximum damage the item will inflict. All items can be edited this
way. Setting minimum damage above maximum damage is not recommended Also, to get
more money (Crowns), there is a space immediately after the item description. This
is the items selling price. Selling it to someone lowers the price by some amount
calculated by charm or something else. A 99 Crown vest will sell for 88 with a
charm of 18.
Invincible mage:
Select the mage when choosing character at the start of the game. You will be
given a quest to find a healing herb in the village courtyard. Complete the quest
return to the village. Kill the Sha-ahoul scouts and warriors with the Electric
Charge spell. Go to one of the corpses, get all of its items and equip them. A tower
shield must be one of the items picked up. After you are fully equipped, you cannot
Cheat Codes:
Update by: Kut
Submitted by: conner54
Press [ENTER] while playing then type any of the following cheat codes:
Result Code
Toggle game pause - cheat pause <0 or 1>
Set all players to human and full map - cheat sandbox
Set AI state - cheat ai
Machine guns around every human capital - cheat safe
Set difficulty - cheat diff <0-5>
Display achievements - cheat achieve
Force alliance with nation - cheat ally
Force peace with nation - cheat peace
Force war with nation - cheat war
Force encounter with nation - cheat meet
Force encounter-off with nation - cheat unmeet
Turn off computer control - cheat human
Turn on computer control - cheat computer
Defeat nation - cheat defeat
Victory for nation - cheat victory
Show or change technology - cheat tech
Show or change resource - cheat resource
<+ or ->
Add indicated number of all resources - cheat resource all+
Show or change age for nation - cheat age
Show or change military level for nat. - cheat military
Show or change civic level for nation - cheat civic
Show or change commerce level for nat. - cheat commerce
Show or change science level for nat. - cheat science
Toggle bounding box mode - cheat bbox <0 or 1>
Show combat ranges - cheat ranges <0 or 1>
Kill object or all selected - cheat die
Adjust damage to object or all selected - cheat damage
Insert unit or building at pointer - cheat insert
Insert unit or building at pointer - cheat add
Finishes selected building(s) - cheat finish
Spawn Wild Bird at pointer location - cheat bird
Spawn Nuke at pointer location - cheat nuke
Spawn Cruise missile at pointer - cheat add cruise
Packs the currently selected unit(s) - cheat pack
Deploys the currently selected unit(s) - cheat deploy
Toggle full map - cheat reveal <0 or 1>
Change game explore configuration - cheat explore
Hide Wonders:
If a enemy is building a Wonder that you do not want them to have and you do not
need it, enable the cheat add code on the edge of the map. Note: The pointer must
be out of bounds. You will get that Wonder out of the level. You cannot see it or
select it; you can only see it on the mini map.
Easy allies:
When first starting a game, enable the cheat reveal code to show all of the map.
Move the pointer to an enemy base and enable the cheat nuke code. This will drop
a bomb over the selected area, and the enemy should ask for an alliance.
Note: Make sure that you are in "Diplomacy" mode when trying this.
More population:
To make more room for military units, after everything has been researched, kill
all of your scholars. You have no use for knowledge now.
Faster research:
When you're playing a quick battle or a campaign, press enter to bring up the chat
and type in "cheat keys on" (without the quotes) and press enter. No dialogue should
come up. Now just press the following buttons to get exactly what you want.
Code Effect
ALT + F5 - Gain 1000 of each type of resource
ALT + F9 - This either complete finishes the research, building, or unit creation or
gives you a significant boost towards creating/researching the selected unit.
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
During gameplay, press ~ to display the text prompt and
type in sv_cheats 1. Press ~ and enter one of the following cheat.
Result Code
Spawn indicated item - give [name]
Ammunition for weapons - impuse 101
Toggle bot AI - bot_stop [0 or 1]
Allow bot to join game for indicated team - bot_add_ct or bot_add_t
Kill all bots - bot_kill
Toggle bot using pistols only - bot_pistols_only [0 or 1]
Toggle bot using snipers only - bot_snipers_only [0 or 1]
Bot automatically follows you if you do not
give them orders - bot_auto_follow
Bots will not do mission objectives and will
expect humans to do it - bot_defer_to_human 1
Kick all bots from game and leaves humans to play - bot_kick
Bots use only knives - bot_knives_only
Bots have a prefix in their name - bot_prefix [prefix]
See where bot is going - bot_show_nav
Weapon hits nearest enemy - sv_clienttrace 99999999999
Skulls fall from sky - impulse 99
Change skin - settings
Spawn props - props!
Third person - view thirdperson
Larger crosshairs - cl_crosshairscale 50000
Stable crosshairs - cl_dynamiccrosshair 0
Demo: Cheat Mode:
Go to "Options", then "Keyboard", then "Advanced". Check the "Developers Console"
option. Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the
following codes:
Effect Code
Free bomb, as terrorist - buy c4
Set gravity - sv_gravity [number]
$16,000 - impulse 101
Thirdperson in CSS:
As you all maybe don't know what thirdperson is, I will explain short. Thirdperson
is when you can see your full character. First person (when you only see your hands
and gun). Here comes the point. Start CSS normally and click 'create new server'.
choose any random map and SPECTATE when you join. Open up the console and write
'sv_cheats 1' then you write 'bot_stop' (afftecting the bots so they won't move
anywhere, only duck) and join. write in your console 'thirdperson' and you will
see something pretty amazing. Leave the bot-server and join your favorite servers.
It's not so easy to control your aiming when you're in this state, because you've
been playing with hands and gun from the beginning. Have fun, smile and kill some
Getting onto tall boxes without boost:
Buy a frag grenade and stand next to the box that you want to get on. Throw
the grenade opposite the box from you onto the floor. Jump, press against the
box, and you will be boosted very high. If timed correctly you can get yourself
on the box at a cost of 40 HP.
Press ~ during playing to activate console. Then write NOCLIP. You'll be able
to walk in the air and move through buildings! (Note: in order for the cheat
to work, sv_cheats must be turned to 1)
AK47/M4A1 tip:
These rifles are almost completely useless while moving. While strafing left or
right, quickly press the opposite direction and fire. The first bullet always
hits the crosshair (first two bullets for the m4) so always try to aim for the
Crosshair tips:
Type cl_crosshairscale 50000 in the console. This makes headshots easier.
Changing cl_dynamiccrosshair to 0 disables the crosshair from moving.
Grenade Throw - Weapon Swap:
Getting caught by the enemy weaponless after having just released a grenade
can become... well, frustrating. However, if you press Q just after release,
you will flick out your gun straight after throwing the grenade. It takes
some practice, but it's well worth it.
Efficient Grenade Throwing:
To get the maximum range on a grenade, run forwards in the direction you are
throwing it to increase the maximum throw distance.
Easy headshots:
Type bind "mouse1;click" "mouse;click2" "s" shoot;kill at the console window.
You will auto headshot almost every time. If you do not auto headshot, simply
click again.
Weapon names:
Use one of the following entries with the "give" code to spawn the indicated weapon.
Note: They must be activated while there is nothing in your hand.
Weapon Code
M249 (heavy machine gun) - weapon_m249
TMP (silenced SMG) - weapon_tmp
M4A1 (silenced rifle) - weapon_m4a1
Desert Eagle (Night Hawk) - weapon_deagle
HE grenade (high explosive) - weapon_hegrenade
AWP (magnum sniper rifle) - weapon_awp
P90 (gun with 50 bullets per clip) - weapon_p90
Scout (weakest sniper rifle) - weapon_scout
Glock (terrorist default pistol) - weapon_glock
AK47 (terrorist default rifle) - weapon_ak47
Bullpup rifle - weapon_aug
Magnum sniper rifle - weapon_awp
Counter-terrorist pistol - weapon_elite
Clarion 5.56 - weapon_famas
Weakest pistol - weapon_fiveseven
Flashbang grenade - weapon_flashbang
D3AU - weapon_g3sg1
IDF Defender - weapon_galil
Terrorist pistol - weapon_glock18
HE grenade - weapon_fraggrenade
Pump shotgun - weapon_m3super90
Weak SMG - weapon_mac10
SMG - weapon_mp5
13 round pistol - weapon_p228
Weak sniper rifle - weapon_scout
Krieg 550 - weapon_sg550
Krieg 552 - weapon_sg552
Easy wins:
Buy the following in order to do it properly: shotgun (any kind), smoke bomb, Kevlar
and helmet. You will also need lots of teammates. Play as a terrorist. Command your
teammates to follow you. Go directly to the tunnel going to bomb site A. Shoot your
opponents immediately. After doing that, have the bomb carrier immediately plant the
bomb. After the bomb is planted, throw a smoke bomb into the wooden door. Stand beside
the door and make sure you cannot be seen by your opponents. Use your shotgun to shoot
opponents that come inside the door.
More ammunition:
Play as a terrorist and on a server where you can pick up weapons with no ammo. When
you pick one up when you are terrorist and it has some ammo, keep the gun. Try not to
use any ammo/. When the round ends, drop your pistol and keep you main gun (usually an
SMG like the MP5/40 or the UMP 77). On the next round you will get your pistol back,
but it will be equipped with more ammo. If you check your main gun, you will notice
that it to will be equipped with more ammo.
* Use the following trick to avoid being caught defenseless after throwing a grenade.
Press Q just after releasing a grenade. You will flick out your gun immediately after
throwing the grenade. Note: This requires some practice.
* To get the maximum range on a grenade, run forwards in the direction you are throwing
Strange formation:
Enable the wc_create code at the console window. Then, go outside of the de_weedwood
map. Look in the distance, and you should see a plot of land with rocks. Go to it. Some
of the effects there are very interesting.
Cheat Code:
Submitted by: Mashuq Wolverine Tyson
if you are the host of the game so then first activate cheats by writing "sv_cheats 1"
then type one of these cheats for good result:(before of every cheats type "sv_cheats 1")
cl_crosshairscale 12000 - for better aim
noclip - for better speed
notarget - for invisible
god - for god mod
impulse 101 - for 16000$ money
try every cheats it works.