cheat kode 21st Brigade

Press [Enter] to display an entry prompt, type one of the following
codes, then press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat

Code Result
amazon - No Trees
avatar - Yellow Boxes Around Vehicles, Buildings
london - No Clouds
hasselhoff - Instant Loss
ispy - No Fog of War
polytheism - Invincibility for Everyone
killenemy - Kill All Enemies
grid - Display Grid
chessmatch - 100% Radar
commanders - Disables Commanders Effects
stratperspective - Changes View
novictory - Disables Victory Results
hurt - Hurts First Vehicle in Present Platoon
chillout - Locks Vehicle in Place
seattle - Disables Horizon
gameoverman - Instant Win
chessmatch - Full radar
neon - Mark all tanks with yellow triangles
polytheism - You and opponents are invincible
soundbytes - Displays memory used by sound
farfog - Farthest distance to draw fog
farclip - Farthest to draw objects/terrain
id - Identify selected vehicle
dirb - Set the blue direction of light

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